Flagler Beach, FL
May 25, 2021
For those of you who are just now following me on my website and are questioning the word 'actress' on the top of my page. Here is why that is there...
The picture you clicked on was from one of the sets of the upcoming original TV series 'Unfinished Business' produced by Blindogg Productions, LLC.
The day before this picture was taken my Dad and I showed up on set to meet some of my co-stars and the crew.
We were shooting a Proof of Concept video and these couple pictures were of me on set. Everyone said I did such a good job.
I am placing a link below to one of the trailers with me in it.
I'm playing the role of 'Anubis' in 'Unfinished Business'.
But that's not all....
Blindogg Productions, LLC is making a Film Noir feature film based on another one of Tim Baker's books called 'Backseat to Justice'. Why you ask am I mentioning this? Well I'm starring in this series also. Isn't that SO exciting!?
I am very excited for both of these opportunity's.
If you can't wait to see these shows you can read about them in the novel's 'Unfinished Business' and 'Backseat to Justice' by Flagler Beach author Tim Baker and published by Blindogg Books.
Please follow Blindogg Productions, LLC and Blindogg Books social media pages for all the updates.
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