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The Adventures of Penelope Anne, Cedar City, Utah, Mountains

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L-Avventuri ta 'Penelope Anne, blog uniku hawn għalik biex tesplora. L-avventuri tiegħi żiedu valur bħal dan mhux biss ma 'ħajti, imma l-ħajja ta' Missieri u s-segwaċi maħbubin tiegħi. Inħobb li jkolli l-opportunità li naqsam il-passjonijiet u l-ħsibijiet tiegħi mal-qarrejja leali tiegħi. Kompli aqra, u gawdi.

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The Adventures of Penelope Anne, Dog, Golden Retriever, United States Map
CanvasRebel Magazine logo

My Dad's interview with CanvasRebel Magazine

My accomplishments so far...

The Adventures of Penelope Anne, film crew, beach, pier

Flagler Beach, FL


Just East of the Salt Flats on I-80 in Grantsville, UT

The Adventures of Penelope Anne, Dog, Golden Retriever, Haugan, Montana

Haugan, MT

Penelope-Anne-Roswell-New Mexico-Fence-Alien Head-Tree-Dirt-Grass-Dog-Golden Retriever

Roswell, NM

The Adventures of Penelope Anne, Dog, Golden Retriever, US Cities, Towns, Places, Map

All The Different Places I've Been So Far

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Abbona Formola

Ibqa 'aġġornat

Grazzi talli ssottomettejt!

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